Doe live kosteloos mee met Yuan Qigong oefeningen via zoom, met onze ‘Qi Hub’

Het niet alleen heel fijn om de kans te hebben vijf werkdagen samen online te kunnen oefenen, maar ook heel belangrijk. Belangrijk om een kalme en ontspannen staat te cultiveren en te behouden en tegelijkertijd ons immuunsysteem een boost te geven.

Our health and wellbeing are important.

Come and join us and have a pleasant practice at our Qi-hub.

You can practice with us:

Evenings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 07.00 – 08:30 pm CEST (90 minutes)

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 07:00-08:00 pm CEST (60 minutes)

Mornings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 07.00 to 08.00 am CEST

Tuesday morning 07:45-08:00 am CEST

Arne teaches Xia Yuan 15 minutes every Tuesday. After the teaching we practice Xia Yuan together from 08-09 am CEST

Friday morning 07:45-08:00 am CEST

Arne teaches Ren Yuan 15 minutes every Friday morning. His ambition is to show the movements and how to do them in a good way. Awareness activities, personal experiences are also included. Here you have the opportunity to learn Ren Yuan in a good way or to repeat, get details that you may not have seen or heard before.

After the teaching we practice Ren Yuan together from 08-09 CEST

Friday evening, Zhong Yuan meditation

This is for you who wish to deepen your training. Important: people with mental health problems should not participate in this training.

Mondain evening, Ling Yuan - 07-08 pm CEST

We all have different patterns of consciousness that have been created and developed during our lives, above all, during our upbringing and school years but also through experiences in life, during contacts with friends and acquaintances etc. We applied the patterns perhaps to protect ourselves, to have control, to feel safe and much more. The patterns can give us a distorted perception of reality as it is. The patterns limit us in our life and our ambition is to study the patterns and see how they can be changed.

The exercises, guided by different teachers, contain most of the methods within the Yuan Gong system, constructed by Yuan Tze.

Welcome to participate.

Greetings with love,

Arne Nordgren

Degene die de sessie leidt, doet de oefening ook voor. Daarbij gebruikt hij of zij verschillende audio opnames voor instructie. Dit zorgt voor een heel rustig Qiveld.

Voertaal is Engels.

Meedoen kan via onderstaande Zoom link en je kunt ongeveer tien minuten voor aanvang toegang krijgen, zodat je voorbereid en kalm van start gaat.

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Op de website van Ren Xue Europe vind je ook het practice schema van de maand